Listed below are overviews of some relevant BSELC policies and links to the actual policies. We encourage our parents to review these and other BSELC policies. Our policies are always available for review from the centre.
For the safety and security of the children, arrival and departure times are closely supervised. The purpose of this policy is to ensure only authorized parents, guardians or other approved individuals can drop and collect children. This policy also outlines child and Educator safety, access and custody arrangements, communication and policy renewal actions.
To ensure BSLEC provides meals and snacks that are nutritionally balanced, well presented, reflective of a variety of cultures and based on individual requirements as needed – for example, meeting food intolerances.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all children, educators and staff attending BSELC are protected from skin damage caused by the effects of exposure to the sun.BSELC seeks to ensure that all those attending the centre is protected year round from harmful exposure to the sun.
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BSELC is committed to providing the highest possible standard of early childhood education and care. It is only by adhering to this Code of Conduct, can BSELC create and maintain this reputation.