As part of our growing operations, our team is central to everything we do at BSELC. At all levels they bring relevant experience, passion and dedication and everything they do, whether strategic or operational, is ultimately for the care and education of the children in our care.
In addition to the management and administration team (listed here), we are particularly proud of our team of educators and their essential roles in the care and education of your children. We strive to always work in an open, transparent and collaborative environment and encourage their ongoing training and development.
Our fundamental goal is to protect, educate and nurture the children in our care. We strive to provide an environment that is a safe, positive and stimulating. We seek to meet the individual needs of the children in our care and understand every child is different. We encourage diversity, treat all children as equals and don’t discriminate in any way.
The heart and soul of our operation! We actively support and value the input of our staff and educators and their essential roles in the care of your children. We operate in an open, transparent and collaborative environment and encourage their ongoing training and development.
Essential to our success, our parents, guardians and carers are encouraged to be involved in all areas related to the care and education of the children. Their input is essential as they bring individual, detailed knowledge on every child and this ensures we can tailor our services and resources to benefit each child.
The communities in which we operate are essential to the success of BSELC. The children in our care and their parents, guardians and families live, work and engage in these communities. It is our desire to become an integral community member and support key community initiatives that benefit the children. We also desire to have community members who are not part of our day-to-day operations become active participants in our Centre and its activities.